
Showing posts from March, 2020

5 Characteristics of a Christian

Attributes of a true believer Who is a Christian ?  A Christian is a person whose speech & culture is christlike. Christianity is more of a lifestyle rather than a religion. It is written in the book of Acts 11:26 that "the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch", this is probably because they saw the reflection of Jesus in them. These characteristics include: 1. Peace-loving As a representative of the true vine, you have to be cool with peace. When you love a peaceful environment, you will definitely have peace of mind. Be a peacemaker in your generation (Proverb 3:30). Do not be found cheering fights and causing rifts (Proverb 20:3). 2. Giving (needy, orphan, widow) "Life is a wheel. The more you give, the more you get back" - Jerold Panas As a Christian. do not be stingy with your resources. Not only money but you can also give your time to help those in need, give clothes ...

Who really is the True Vine?

Introduction to the Vine - John 15:1 What comes to mind when we hear vine? Maybe some may think of the physical plant vine . The true vine I am referring to is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the prince of peace, the ancient of days, the almighty father and the king of glory. Let us explore together the identity of the True Vine. He is the one who created the whole world and every element in it. He is our heavenly father, the one who gives life (Genesis 2:7). He showed his humility by leaving his beautiful palace in heaven and came in human form to die for our sins. The true vine came and suffered for our sake, he became poor for us to be rich so that through His poverty we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).  Jesus really wants us to grow, experience his power and fulfill our purpose on earth. When you know the vine, then you will start experiencing transformation in your academics, finances, marriage an...