5 Characteristics of a Christian
Attributes of a true believer crosswalk.com Who is a Christian ? A Christian is a person whose speech & culture is christlike. Christianity is more of a lifestyle rather than a religion. It is written in the book of Acts 11:26 that "the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch", this is probably because they saw the reflection of Jesus in them. These characteristics include: 1. Peace-loving tenor.com As a representative of the true vine, you have to be cool with peace. When you love a peaceful environment, you will definitely have peace of mind. Be a peacemaker in your generation (Proverb 3:30). Do not be found cheering fights and causing rifts (Proverb 20:3). 2. Giving (needy, orphan, widow) chassidusapplied.com "Life is a wheel. The more you give, the more you get back" - Jerold Panas As a Christian. do not be stingy with your resources. Not only money but you can also give your time to help those in need, give clothes ...