Jeremiah 51:20 - Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. What is God's battle axe? The battle axe is one of the strongest and most dangerous weapon ever made. God is the man of war (Exodus 15:3)and we are his battle axe. When God fights on the battle ground, he needs a weapon that is trustworthy and strong. To survive this complex and perverted world as children of the Most High God, we need to be a danger to Satan and his cohorts. The enemy should see you and retreat with immediate alacrity, the devil should smell your presence from a distance and run away. The lord wants to use you dear brother and sister to fight His battles. As Christians we should not only be keen on asking from God all the time, we should also be willing to help fight on the battlefield. Children of the True vine should be keen on depopulating the kingdom of darkness and bringing souls to the kingdom...