
Showing posts from 2020

Top 6 Facts On Prayer

I was reading a book by American preacher Kenneth E. Hagin titled "Praying to Get Results" and I highlighted six main points that stood out for me and could help you too. We Christians tend to pray based on our emotions and with our own understanding which is why some of our prayers do not get answered or get answered late.  It is time we start to learn techniques of effective prayers . Growing our prayer life need to be our priority because prayer is the only way to survive the challenges and trials of the end-time. The ministry of prayer is very broad with a lot of ideas, facts, techniques, skills and methods. However, here are some important facts you might want to consider next time you go to the lord in prayer.  1. When praying for a change of circumstance, do not pray with "if".  2. You need to pray the right prayers in the right way to get the right results. 3. You only use "if" when praying a prayer of consecration and dedication. 4. It is always...

11 Ways to be an Immovable Christian

 Values of God's Worshipper - Psalm 15: 1-5 Have you ever wondered how the great men of old  won the heart of God? To be a true worshipper of Jesus, there are eleven main things to do among others.  Lead a blameless life: do everything with the mind that God is watching then have the fear of God.  Do what is right. Speak the truth from sincere hearts: if you find yourself in a compromising situation, instead of you lying, just keep quiet/do not say anything. Refuse to gossip. Refuse to harm your neighbor. Refuse to speak evil of your friends. Despise flagrant (unrepentant) sinners. Honor faithful followers of the lord: respect the anointed of God no matter how young they may look. Never for once disrespect the Lord’s chosen ones because of familiarity.  Keep your promises even when it hurts: be a man/woman of your word. Never make promises you cannot fulfil, if ever you make such promises endeavor to fulfil it. There is a saying that “a promise is a debt” and yo...


Jeremiah 51:20 - Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms. What is God's battle axe? The battle axe is one of the strongest and most dangerous weapon ever made. God is the man of war (Exodus 15:3)and we are his battle axe. When God fights on the battle ground, he needs a weapon that is trustworthy and strong. To survive this complex and perverted world as children of the Most High God, we need to be a danger to Satan and his cohorts. The enemy should see you and retreat with immediate alacrity, the devil should smell your presence from a distance and run away. The lord wants to use you dear brother and sister to fight His battles. As Christians we should not only be keen on asking from God all the time, we should also be willing to help fight on the battlefield. Children of the True vine should be keen on depopulating the kingdom of darkness and bringing souls to the kingdom...

Brain plus Beauty - Abigail

  Who is Abigail? - 1 Samuel 25 Abigail is one of the virtuous women in the bible, let us get to know her a little. She is a model to both young and old women. She is the wife of Nabal and mother of Chileab whom she bore for King David.  She had beauty and brains. So many people nowadays believe that it is  not possible to be beautiful and intelligent at the same time, but sis Abigail's story proved to us that we can actually have both.  She understood timing - 1 Samuel 25:23 Now the question is why did such a wonderful and Godly woman marry a worthless man who is also an unbeliever (son of belial) and a dunk.  Answer: This story shows all young unmarried christian ladies that marrying an unbeliever is hell on earth and leads to long-lasting sorrow.  Lessons learnt She did not sit at home, she went to confront her problem/who was seen as a threat. This act demonstrates confidence in God.  She calmed David down with words of blessings. Use of words i...

What is Godly Wisdom?

Image 2 Kings 4: 1 - 11 Wisdom is a good attribute but as the child of the Vine , you need Godly wisdom to scale through this perilous time. The world is now filled with irritating and disgusting things disguised as beautiful and nice, it takes a believer with this kind of wisdom to reject these things. This wisdom makes us do the right things at the right time and be in the right place at the right time. Those with Godly wisdom possess exceptional and extraordinary power.  10 MEANING OF GODLY WISDOM Literally, it is a wisdom from God.  Wisdom that supersedes human understanding.  Wisdom with benefits. Wisdom directly from heaven and God himself.  Wisdom used in complicated situations. Wisdom used in complex decision making and problem solving processes. Wisdom that confounds and stupefies (confuses) the enemy. The kind of wisdom the Shunammite woman had that removed her barrenness ( 2 Kings 4: 8 - 17) .   Wisdo...

Feeling down, worried or anxious? Take it to the Lord

Image Many times we just feel overwhelmed by the situations we find ourselves. Are you a christian sister or brother who walks in the path of the lord consistently but feel like you cannot go further? then this messsage is for you. We will be focusing on one out of the surplus comforting verses in the bible. Phillipians 4: 6 - Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. (HCSB Free) This verse is packed with assurance, comfort and advise. The first part assures us that we should not allow anything to bother our minds, do not allow any circumstances to make you depressed simply because you are a child of a king and your father is the prince of peace. Therefore, you are entitled to feel happy, joyous, to smile, to have peace of mind but you have to speak to your father. As a young student, mostly your priority is to graduate or move to the next level of educ...

5 Characteristics of a Christian

Attributes of a true believer Who is a Christian ?  A Christian is a person whose speech & culture is christlike. Christianity is more of a lifestyle rather than a religion. It is written in the book of Acts 11:26 that "the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch", this is probably because they saw the reflection of Jesus in them. These characteristics include: 1. Peace-loving As a representative of the true vine, you have to be cool with peace. When you love a peaceful environment, you will definitely have peace of mind. Be a peacemaker in your generation (Proverb 3:30). Do not be found cheering fights and causing rifts (Proverb 20:3). 2. Giving (needy, orphan, widow) "Life is a wheel. The more you give, the more you get back" - Jerold Panas As a Christian. do not be stingy with your resources. Not only money but you can also give your time to help those in need, give clothes ...

Who really is the True Vine?

Introduction to the Vine - John 15:1 What comes to mind when we hear vine? Maybe some may think of the physical plant vine . The true vine I am referring to is Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the prince of peace, the ancient of days, the almighty father and the king of glory. Let us explore together the identity of the True Vine. He is the one who created the whole world and every element in it. He is our heavenly father, the one who gives life (Genesis 2:7). He showed his humility by leaving his beautiful palace in heaven and came in human form to die for our sins. The true vine came and suffered for our sake, he became poor for us to be rich so that through His poverty we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9).  Jesus really wants us to grow, experience his power and fulfill our purpose on earth. When you know the vine, then you will start experiencing transformation in your academics, finances, marriage an...